
We are committed to the safety of our students. Please speak to the office staff regarding any allergy concerns.

School Allergy Information

At Dr. Robert Thornton Public School, we work to create a safe and healthy environment for all students, staff, and visitors. Our school has implemented guidelines and policies that we ask all parents, students, and staff to review carefully. 

We have several staff and students who have life-threatening alelrgies to certain foods or products and cannot be in direct contact with the products listed below. This includes being in the same lunchroom or classroom. To help ensure every child is safe, please do not send the following items for snack/lunch:

  • Peanuts
  • Nuts
  • Treenuts
  • Cashews
  • Sesame seeds
  • Sesame seed oil
  • Shellfish
  • Fresh-water fish
  • Eggs

WOW Butter

While WOW Butter doesn't pose an allergy threat by the ingredients, it does pose an allergy threat by looking and smelling like peanut butter. Children could easily mistake this product for peanut butter and tell their parents that the school is now allowing peanut butter. It would be very difficult - and potentially dangerous - for schools to monitor the use of this product. As such, the DDSB does not allow WOW Butter in its schools. 

Scent Aware

Please be scent-aware.  Some members of our school community have extreme sensitivities to certain smells and scents. Please refrain from wearing excessive cologne or perfume/body sprays/lotions when entering our school.